Business & Transition Planning

Contact Jared Stauffer, Financial Planner* for a no-obligation review


Exit Planning - Leave Your Business In Style

Exit Planning helps business owners set, sort through, and achieve their exit objectives.

It enables owners to leave their companies when they want, to the successor they want, and with the amount of cash they need. Without exception, every owner leaves his or her company. Whether you do it in style depends on the specific exit planning actions you take before you leave.

"At some point, every owner leaves his or her business - voluntarily or otherwise. At that time, every owner wants to receive the maximum amount of money in order to accomplish personal, financial and estate planning goals."

- John H. Brown, The Completely Revised How To Run Your Business So You Can Leave It In Style

If you see ownership change in your future, we can help you plan a successful business exit. We will guide you through answering the seven planning questions located below and identify qualified advisors to assist you through the exiting process.

Exit Planning involves answering "YES" to seven questions:

Do you know your exact retirement goals and what it will take - in cash - to reach them?

Do you know how much your business is worth today, in cash?

Do you know the best way to maximize the income stream generated by your ownership interest?

Do you know how to sell your business to a third party and pay the least possible taxes?

Do you know how to transfer your business to family members, co-owners, or employees while paying the least possible taxes and enjoying maximum financial security?

Do you have a continuity plan for your business if the unexpected happens to you?

Do you have a plan to secure financial independence for your family if the unexpected happens to you?

Services Offered to Business Owners:

Experience and resources give owners guidance through the Exit Planning process.

No-cost initial consultations to explain how the Exit Planning Process works.

Access to state-of-the-art Exit Planning resources.

Through this process you will crystallize your goals and objectives and have a clear Action List stating action to be taken, due dates for each action and the name of the advisor responsible for its completion.

Maintaining relationships with professionals in other disciplines experienced in the Exit Planning process to help you find the advisor you need.

Presenting NY Life-approved seminars on a variety of Exit Planning topics.

Please click here for more information on Exit Planning.